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My name is Jeff Gonzales born in 1973. I come from a family of artists, so art has been part of my life from my beginning. As a teenager I immersed myself in psychedelic and surrealistic art. I attended the University of New Mexico as an art major, but quickly got out of the program. I love art and artists, but school was not the path for me. When I left the art department, I vowed to never make anything to hang on a wall or set on a pedestal. I instead made a career as a craftsman, not an artist. I am a woodcarver and blacksmith. 

I jokingly say I am not an artist. I believe all people are artists, whether they recognize it or not. When you are rearranging furniture in the living room or picking out your clothes for the day you are using the artist part of your mind. 

I started Wholesale Timber and Viga in 2010. I create the advertising and imagery associated with my company. This advertising is what led me to The Jeff Gonzales Experiment. I wanted to project some images onto a model and use it for advertising. The approach did not work, but I became fascinated with trying to fully understand this process. Now I am at a crossroads of what to do with this work.